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Very costly hangings, probably tapestries, hung on the wall behind the High Alter. Thirty years later they were ragged and rats had riddled the curtains with holes. A permanent screen was suggested by the Bishop and the Trustees obtained three designs from a firm of
architects in London and large working drawings obtained of the selected design. Above the High Alter is the ornate stained glass window and in line with its bottom section is the selected wooded screen, made up of five ornately carved panels, within which are mounted the figures, carved in England, of St. Paul and St. Peter holding their insignia
Work on the carved panels was entrusted to the Kandy Industrial School and the ornate frame surrounding the High Alter, completed in 1913, is evidence of the skill of humble local craftsmen. The panels are gilt, together with the figures and carved with an arch and a cusp design with a border of grapevine design. The whole screen is set against a backing of black. This single decorated gilt frame surrounds the High Alter and sets it off the quite magnificently.
In September 1937, a gift of teak paneling on either side of the High Alter completed the beauty of the Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary lamps, of antique design, were gifted in 1923.
In 1941, the 6’.8” long slab on the High Alter was moved to the Lady Chapel and a 9’ 61/2” Satin wood slab placed on the High Alter, which is the width of the stained glass window.
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